Wednesday, January 2, 2008

We are sorry ladies and gentlemen, but the internet has reached maximum capacity.

The internet here is horrible. And that’s only if you can even get access! I say this as I type this blog on Word to transfer back to my blog if and when my WiFi decides to come back on tonight. There are quite a number of factors involved in acquiring this special privilege.

1. The hotel needs to have WiFi cards available to sell. It seems that the maximum capacity for internet usage in the luxurious Ginger hotel is 3.

2. You need to use all of your available talent, charm, wisdom, and patience to get the front desk staff to talk to the internet guy to talk to the Wifi card guy to get the card and give it back to the internet guy to give back to the front desk staff to write out a ledger on a carbon copy then scratch it out due to mistakes and write another carbon copy then ask you what room number to charge the card to then tell you 15 minutes later that they cannot charge to your room then ask for your credit card that you have to run up 3 flights of stairs to get then have them run in the credit card machine so they can void out 3 incorrect transactions then record the Wifi card in their stupid ledger then painfully count out 6 precious-as-gold WiFi cards and FINALLY hand them to you while you try not to freak out and throw an inappropriate tantrum in the front lobby of the hotel while toxic cleaning chemicals from the housekeepers are making you light headed.

3. Then you go back to your room, log-in and find out that the network is down. It’s a good thing that the pharmacies here sell you anything you want without ID (and cheap). I may pick up some pills for my heart tomorrow afternoon….

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