Thursday, January 3, 2008

Picture time...

More pictures! (click to enlarge)At the local open market. The colored powder is mixed with water and can be used as paint or dye. A few of us had this stuff painted on our hand (involuntarily). It did actually come out.
Inside of an incense/oil store next to the craft market. I can't remember for sure, but I think the guy is rubbing a mix of almond and sandlewood oil on my arm (which is supposed to be good after you workout). At the time, I was a little more worried about what this stuff might do to my skin, if you couldn't already tell from the look of horror on my face.

The main entrance to our hotel. If you're curious what the rooms look like, you can look at their website This is definitely one of the nicer buildings in Mysore.

Tod aka "Mr. Toad" and I on the bus at the Bangalore airport. You can't see around us, but we're packed in here like sardines.

Yes, crack is a problem here in India. And of course, Gene found somewhere to get it.


Rajiv said...

Hey Harvey:

Amusing posts, but make sure you also relate your experiences in the lectures and site visits to the Friedman and Varma books so it doesn't sound like all you're doing in India is fun and games ...

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